

3/25からORDB.orgが全てのクエリーに対してを返すように設定されて、世界中でちょっとした騒ぎになっている。JPCERT/CCからも注意喚起(ORDB.org の DNSBL による広域メールブロックについて )が出されている。まあ確かにちょっと強引なやり方ではあるが、彼らの主張ももっともではある。

To summarize those threads people are now blaming the ORDB.org crew for their own incompetence and shortsightedness (words like stupid, dickish, terrorists and worse) claiming that ORDB.org is costing them money. No! You are costing ORDB.org and their associates money. For 16 months the relays.ordb.org zone has been using around 4 MB/s of traffic (that amounts to more than 33 GB per day!). Yet people are now complaining that a service they got for free is not working the way they wanted.

Let's recap here. ORDB.org was a non-profit organization run by volunteers. The name servers where provided by organizations willing to donate bandwidth and resources to the project. As the bandwidth used by ORDB.org's DNS queries is still substantial the owners of these servers have asked ORDB.org to do something.

Blacklisting every IP on the planet was something the ORDB.org crew opted not to do when ORDB.org was shut down. Reluctantly the decision was made to stop people from abusing the name servers associated with ORDB.org.
