Reverse Engineering Conference (RECON)



(Guest Speakers)
Ilfak Guilfanov - Building plugins for IDA Pro
Michael Strangelove - Hacking Culture

Pierre-Marc Bureau - How I learned Reverse Engineering with Storm
Tiller Beauchamp - RE:Trace - Applied Reverse Engineering on OS X
Sharon Conheady and Alex Bayly - Social Engineering for the "Socially Inept"
Bruce Dang - Methods for analyzing malicious Office documents
Sébastien Doucet - 64-bit Imports Rebuilding and Unpacking
Thomas Garnier - Windows privilege escalation through LPC & ALPC interfaces
Cameron Hotchkies - Under the iHood
Eric D. Laspe - The Deobfuscator
Mohammed Fadel Mokbel - Towards an Embellished Macro Descriptive Language for Reverse Assembly Code (Cancelled)
Anthony de Almeida Lopes - Bypassing Security Protections by Backdooring libc
Aaron Portnoy and Ali Rizvi-Santiago - Reverse Engineering Dynamic Languages, a Focus on Python
Nicolas Pouvesle - NetWare kernel stack overflow exploitation
Jason Raber - Helikaon Linux Debuger
Gera - Two very small reverse engineering tools: a python disassembling engine and an iterative reverse engineering framework
Craig Smith - Creating Code Obfuscation Virtual Machines
Pablo Sole - RE over Adobe Acrobat Reader using Immunity Debugger
Alexander Sotirov - Blackbox Reversing Of XSS Filters