29A has left the building!
ウィルスの作成、研究を行っているアンダーグラウンドのグループとして有名な「29A」が活動を停止したらしい。最後に残ったメンバーである VirusBusterのメッセージが彼等のWebに掲載されている。
I tried to contact ValleZ for some time in order to take a decission together about the future of 29A with no luck therefore I decided to take the decission alone. And my decission is that 29A goes officially retired. I feel this is fair because I am kinda the alpha and the omega of the group. 29A was born in Dark Node, my BBS, and I am the last active member of the group. My last words as 29A member are for all the people that worked hard to make of this group the best one: Thank you very much! Regards, VirusBuster/29A
29A has left the building!