(IN)SECURE Magazine Issue 15

(IN)SECURE Magazine archive
今回も全132ページともりだくさん。なかでも "Free visualization tools for security analysis and network monitoring"の記事がおもしろそう。知らないツールが結構たくさんある。


Name Notes URL
Afterglow Graph visualization afterglow.sourceforge.net
Doomcube 3D IP address and port visualization www.kismetwireless.net/doomcube
Etherape Network graph visualization etherape.sourceforge.net
fe3d nmap visualization projects.icapsid.net/fe3d
INAV Visualization of network bandwidth, source and destination nodes inav.scaparra.com
FlowTag Visualization of network flows chrislee.dhs.org/pages/research/projects.html
Google Chart API Allows creation of dynamically generated charts code.google.com/apis/chart
Many Eyes General purpose visualization tool, accepts most CSV data services.alphaworks.ibm.com/manyeyes
Nagios Network monitoring www.nagios.org
OpManager Network monitoring manageengine.adventnet.com
OSSIM Network and security data monitoring www.ossim.net
Packet Hustler Network traffic visualization shoki.sourceforge.net/hustler
RUMINT Packet-level sniffing and visualization www.rumint.org
Swivel General purpose charting tool www.swivel.com
Wireshark Best of breed protocol analysis tool. www.wireshark.org