(IN)SECURE Magazine

見逃してた! 3月号がもうとっくに出てた。2005年5月からスタートしてこれでもう6号目だが、書評や製品紹介に技術解説記事など毎回なかなか読み応えのある内容になっている。見た目もとてもきれい(これも重要か?)。

最新のISSUE 1.6の主な内容はこんな感じ

The covered topics are:
* Best practices in enterprise database protection
* Quantifying the cost of spyware to the enterprise
* Security for websites - breaking sessions to hack into a machine
* How to win friends and influence people with IT security certifications
* The size of security: the evolution and history of OSSTMM operational security metrics
* Interview with Kenny Paterson, Professor of Information Security at Royal Holloway, University of London
* PHP and SQL security today
* Apache security: Denial of Service attacks
* War-driving in Germany - CeBIT 2006