Russian Business Network(RBN)について

著名な(?)サイバー犯罪組織であるRussian Business Network(RBN)。最近またいろいろと新しいリサーチペーパーが出ているようなので、情報をまとめておく。今後の動きにも注目していく必要あり。



The Russian Business Network (commonly abbreviated as RBN) is a multi-faceted cybercrime organization, specializing in and in some cases monopolizing personal identity theft for resale and is the originator of MPack (software) and the operator of the Storm botnet. The RBN, which is notorious for its hosting of illegal and dubious businesses, has its origin is as an Internet Service Provider for child pornography, phishing, spam, and malware distribution physically based in St. Petersburg Russia. More recently it is has developed partner and affiliate marketing techniques in many countries to provide a method for organized crime to target victims internationally.



ACCORDING to VeriSign, one of the world’s largest internet security companies, RBN, an internet company based in Russia’s second city, St Petersburg, is “the baddest of the bad”. In a report seen by The Economist, VeriSign’s investigators unpick an extraordinary story of blatant cybercrime that implies high-level political backing.

An Internet business based in St. Petersburg has become a world hub for Web sites devoted to child pornography, spamming and identity theft, according to computer security experts. They say Russian authorities have provided little help in efforts to shut down the company.

多数のマルウェアをインターネットに流し込んでいるとされるロシアの悪名高いサイバー犯罪組織、Russian Business Network(RBN)。セキュリティ専門家によると、現在、この組織は「サイト保護サービスの使用料」という名目で、多数のWebサイトから月額 2,000ドルもの“みかじめ料”を徴収しているという。


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